Thursday, November 5, 2020

Halloween 2020


I love Halloween so much.  There are so many fun things to do!  This year we decided to have our own little Halloween party a few days before Halloween.  The boys went on a monster hunt,

Played pin the spider on the web,

and played Ghostbusters ( we knocked down cups that looked like ghosts).

We also decorated Halloween cookies.  It was so nice to do something at home together to celebrate the holiday.

When Halloween arrived we enjoyed all of our Halloween traditions.  A ghost brought us some boo-berry muffins.  We also always have witches brew at some point during the day and donuts after dinner.

We spent the morning carving pumpkins.  The boys were so proud of their creations.  Will wanted his to be scary, and Ben insisted his pumpkin have star eyes.

Then we got to do the very best part of the day, trick or treating.  I have to say, this was one of my most favorite Halloweens.  Will is getting old enough that he has the stamina to really want to trick or treat and he stayed out for quite a while.  And Ben was old enough to understand what was going on and love it!

There is just something so cute about watching them sprint from door to door in pure and utter excitement.  I truly love watching them have fun.  It is my joy.  Can't wait to see what next year brings!

Jaker's Pumpkin Patch


We couldn't resist hitting another pumpkin patch with our boys.  They loved being pulled around on a hay ride by a big tractor.  Ben especially loves tractors but was a little scared by its big rumble.  He had never been so close to a tractor that was on.

And of course the corn pits were a huge hit.  They could spend hours in there.  We had to eventually pull them out so they could actually do everything else there was to do ha ha

Watching them come down the slide was a highlight for me.  It was kind of a far drop but they loved it!

We found Big Foot.  It was super cute that the boys wanted to hold hands with him. 

They also had a blast at the petting zoo.  Will was loving petting all the animals and Ben just wanted to try and feed them.

The boys even made it to the top of the haystack (with Dad's help).  The weather was perfect and we had such a great time together.  Another sweet family outing!