We had such a fun day at the Curiosity Museum. I cannot even believe how many things they had to do there. Never a dull moment, that is for sure! It was like kid heaven, a million different things to run around and do.
Will enjoyed checking out the laser harp with Dad.
And playing with the other kids.
Of course there were things to climb on and slide down, so that was a win!
He got to sit in the middle of a table of water and play with toys. He was really concentrating!
This is probably my favorite picture from that day. They were in a wind tunnel. His face!!!
This was Will's favorite part of the Museum. Who knew? With everything there was to do there, I was surprised that he liked this best, but I guess ball pits are just plain fun!
Dave loved it too. It was pretty cute to see him playing and making things for Will.
They had a play washing machine which obviously brought Will a lot of joy.
And like all good days, we finished it off with some ice cream. It was a wonderful week, full of memories that I will always cherish. There is nothing I would rather do than spend time with my little family!