Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Time

We spent Christmas Eve with my family, like we do every year.  This year we went to Toad's in Ogden to play some mini golf.  Dave had to help me with my game.  I am absolutely terrible at mini golf (and all sports)  Dave did really well though.  He got two hole in ones which I can never do ha ha.  My whole family was able to come which was so nice.  We all took turns holding my niece so each person could take a turn playing, she was so good about it.

After playing some mini golf, Dave and our brother-in-law Mike played the arcades.  As you can tell shooting up aliens really made their day.  Dave's smile says it all.  They are so funny.

I also got to snuggle with my favorite kitty, Joe.  He is the best kitty snuggler ever!

One of the traditions we do on Christmas Eve is to make some type of eatable craft. This year we used peanut butter cups to make Christmas trees and then pipes green frosting on to them. The best part of this is to eat the goodies at the end 

I would say that Amber's tree was the best one made. She was able to pipe that frosting very well onto the peanut butter cups, thus making a very desirable eatable Christmas tree.

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