Friday, May 22, 2020

Halloween 2019

Halloween was a busy day for us this year.  We started off the day just like we do every Halloween.  Our friendly little ghost brought us boo-berry muffins for breakfast.

After breakfast we quickly got ready for a Halloween party that I hosted for Will and some of his friends.  They were so excited and looked so cute in their costumes.

We played pin the spider on the web, hot potato (with a pumpkin), read a spooky glow in the dark Halloween book,

reached into a bag to try to figure out what creepy things were inside,

decorated cookies, had mummy dogs, and washed it all down with witches brew.  It was a fun whirlwind of a morning.  I love doing things like this for my kids.  It is so special and makes their lives just a bit more magical.  I hope they will always have wonderful memories of all of the parties they've had.

Once Dave got home, we had soup and bread for dinner and finished up with a donut.   This is a meal we have every Halloween for dinner.  This is a tradition that Dave and I started before we even had kids and it is one that I have loved continuing with them.

Then it was time to go trick-or-treating.  Will had been looking forward to it all day.  This year Will wanted to be a police officer.  He insisted that his costume have muscles.  One of our neighbors is a police officer and Will looks up to him so much, which is why he had to be a police officer for Halloween.  So cute!  Ben was Jack Jack.  We have gotten so many comments that he looks like Jack Jack, so we figured we better make him Jack Jack for Halloween.  We had a great time running around our neighborhood seeing all of our friends and getting candy.  Our boys sure make the holidays so much better!

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